FlyyGirlAdventures is all about supporting the young people, inspiring them to reach higher heights and giving them to tools they need to tackle this adventure called life. We are proud to support Lead The Way, an organization that raises money for children in Detroit and helps them learn, grow and prosper in life.

Lead The Way is driven by their goal of making the world a better place. Since their start up in October 2017, Lead The Way has put on three events in Philadelphia and Detroit and raised over $1,800 for children and families in need!

Lead The Way was founded by Debra Diane, a Singer, Songwriter and Philanthropist from the city of Detroit. Debra believes that when we all work together, something beautiful happens. She has been singing and playing the guitar for over 10 years and is excited about giving back to the children of Detroit.

So far, Lead the Way has raised funds for the victims of Hurricaine Harvey, collected toys for children in Philadelphia, and created a scholarship fund for High School students in Detroit. This year, Lead The Way plans to triple the donations given last year- and you can help!

On Saturday August 18th Lead the Way will be putting on their 4th benefit concert in the city of Detroit. There will be free food, bouncers, live music, and backpacks for the kids! You can help by spreading the word, coming to the event yourself or donating to the cause!
